Matthew's Music is a music teaching practice based in north Bristol, run by a husband and wife team. We traded under the name Musica Tuta until 2016, when it was decided that Matthew's Music would be more user-friendly and more in tune with the times.
The practice was originally set up to meet a local need for high quality, medium price flute and piano tuition for all ages and stages, and this remains the principal focus of our work.
The practice was expanded in 1994 when the partnership was set up. What we do gives full details of our practical and theoretical tuition and our other professional activities.
We hope that you will enjoy visiting our website. We have aimed to set out our services clearly and have also included some general information, which we hope parents and students will find helpful. Our fees are very competitive, so please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance.
Matthew's Music